June will usher in a new wave of price increases!

Some analysts pointed out that the current market idle capacity is less, in the Red Sea circumnavigation background of the current capacity is some insufficient, the circumnavigation effect appears. From the current spot freight rate performance, the European line to Shanghai - Rotterdam route as an example, GeekYum data show that on May 10, the liner company quoted in the $4040 /FEU- $5554 /FEU range, April 1, the route quoted in $2932 /FEU- $3885 /FEU. The United States line has also increased significantly compared to the previous, and the price of Shanghai to Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach on May 10 reached the highest of $6457 /FEU.

With the recovery of demand in Europe and the United States, as well as the increase in the Red Sea crisis detour time, shipping delays, shippers have increased their efforts to replenish inventory, and the overall freight rate will rise again.

It is worth noting that the two major shipping giants Maersk and CMA CGM have announced plans to raise prices in June, that is, to increase the Nordic FAK rate from June 1. Among them, Maersk has a maximum of 5,900 dollars per 40-foot container, while CMA CGM has raised it again by 1,000 dollars on the basis of 15 days, to 6,000 dollars per 40-foot container.

In addition, Maersk will impose a South American peak season surcharge from June 1 - $2,000 per 40-foot container.Due to the geopolitical conflict in the Red Sea, ships around the world have been forced to circumnavigate the Cape of Good Hope, which has not only significantly increased transit times, but also led to significant challenges in ship scheduling.Due to the different sizes of ships sailing to Europe every week, it has brought great trouble to customers to book shipping space. European and US traders have also begun to restock in advance to avoid space shortages during the peak season in July and August. The person in charge of a freight forwarding company said, "The freight rate has begun to rise again, and it is impossible to grab the box!" This "missing box" is essentially a lack of shipping space.

The shipping space is full until the end of May

According to the ocean liner company Zhongyuan Sea Control (601919.SH) publicly stated that the company's current production and operation are normal, and the export direction of Europe and the United States are full. At the same time, the world's largest maritime freight forwarding company Kuehne Nagel (Kuehne Nagel) released the latest market report shows that the overall situation of China-Europe routes in May is relatively tight, and freight rates are expected to continue to rise in the next two weeks.

In terms of China-United States routes, the loading rate of the United States line continues to be full in the first half of the month, especially in the West of the United States, and the situation of limited low-cost space and tight FAK space will continue until the second half of the year, and there is a potential risk that Canadian railway workers will strike on May 22.

On May 10, the latest Shanghai Container export freight Index (SCFI) rose sharply by 365.16 points to 2305.79 points, an increase of 18.82%, not only to achieve five consecutive weeks of rise, and Europe, North America, South America, Australia and New Zealand and other major routes increased by about 20%. The European line rose nearly 25% the most. ,

Ningbo Shipping Exchange released data on the 10th show that the NCFI composite index this week was 1812.8 points, up 13.3% from last week, of which the European route freight index was 1992.9 points, up 22.9% from last week; The Tixi route freight index was 2435.9 points, up 23.5% from last week.

In terms of North American routes, the US-West route freight index was 2628.8 points, up 5.8% from the previous week. The East African route was more volatile, with the freight index at 1552.4 points, up 47.5% from the previous week.

According to freight forwarding industry sources, because the shipping company continues to control the cabin and reduce the class and class during the May Day holiday, the space is full before the end of May, and many urgent goods may not be able to board the ship, and it is difficult to find a cabin at present.

Industry insiders said that they had not expected the market demand to be so large after the May Day holiday. Previously, in order to cope with the May Day holiday, shipping companies generally increased the proportion of blank flights by about 15-20%.

This has led to a shortage of space on North American routes since the beginning of May, and now the space is full before the end of the month. As a result, many planned shipments can only wait for the June ship.

Post time: May-27-2024